“Our class learned, lived, and laughed together with respect for all and malice toward none.We now honor and remember those class members who are no longer with us. A bit of them lives within each of us. . . and for that we are grateful.”
Uniontown Class of 1963 Deceased Classmates
Jane Allamon
John Allowat
Richard Areford
Georgia Arison
David George Beatty
Marjorie Beeson Engle
John Brady
Ramona Brand-Brant
Richard Brashear
Richard Brenzy
Christine Broesicke
Camille Brown-King
Leona Bryner-McGettigan
Tom Bubonovich
Gary Buckley
Alan Bunda
Dennis Burke
Doris Cable Pechatsko
Louise Cenedella
Sharon Chamberlain Richardson
Frank S. Charnovic
Dayton Chisler
Emily Chuey Utlak
Daniel Costabile
Randall Cramer
Pauline Croftcheck Bryson
Lee Cropp
Karen Crozier
Sheila DeRosa-Collins
Larry Desmond
Barbara Dukovich Lovis
Patricia Earley
Tom Elek
John Elton
William Farner
Garry E. Fike
Ronald Friend
Maudena George
Jay Glasser
Thomas Gosnell
Donald Hager
John Hess
Bill Hinebaugh
Michael Homer
Linda Honsaker
Roger Hull
Andrew Hvizdos
Donald Jarina
Robert Johnson
Dale Kantorik
Ed Kantorik
Patricia Kaufman-DeLara
Connie Kell Henry
Harris Keller
Delores Kilgore
Jim Kovar
Donald Krepps
Twila Landman DeCarlo
William Larkin
Walter Lawson
Judith Lorenzi-Holzhausen
Ronald Lutz
Lolita Mains Braddee
Dick Margolis
Larry McCann
Joyce McKinon
Janice Martin
Joan Massek Dillow
Betsy Mechling
Pete Mecozzi
Joan Mientus Latessa
Gary Minerd
Jan Mosier
Robin Mullen
Patty Munsey Russell
Audrey Jean Murray-Bunda
Mary Beth Nabors
Connie Nedley Wilson
George Neff
Terry Owens
Mary Grace Partridge Furnier
Steve Patek
Susan Petro-Kolek
Victor Piccolomini
Pat Pierno
Linda Pinkney Santello
Andrew Rable
John Redshaw
Frank Seper
Ron Sepic
Charlotte Shaffer Marvin
Richard Silwanicz
Domer Snyder
Anthony Sperko
Dorothy Lou Stewart Bradley
Douglas Stoner
Louis Striker
Sullivan Van Susano
Frank Suspensky
Sally Tomasek
Julius Valent
Nancy Vance Jones
Martha VanSickle Vandine
Ed Verbus
Robert Volpe
Michael Wilhelm
Billy Williams
Jean Williams-Harford
Darrell Wilson
Alan Wyatt
Robert Yanosek
Gloria Yucha Aul
Tom Zavada
John Zentkovich
Phil Zimcosky
Lois Jean Zlamal-Kopachko
Memorial Video shown at 59th Class Reunion
Gift total: 66 donations, totaling $34,250.14
Donor Wall
Ted Goodwin, William R. Shultz, Joyce R. Secoy, Dan Jones, Cheryl C. Augustine, Frank Fiedor, Joe Lacey, Judith Sharon Herniman Patek, William Everly, Jim Zaidan, Dan Izzi, Mary Ann Bykowski, Clark Dearth, Bob Shultz, George Tandarich, Floyd Shultz, Carole Meals, Paul Browning, Carol Atkins, David Keller, Frank Myers, Tom and Lynda Waggoner, Joyce Glisan Morschhauser, Barry Radolec, Joel Hercik, Sandra Richardson, Moses Hochman, Andrew Mehalov, Louise Brashear, Robert Sessler, Peter A. Smith, Barbara S. Anderson, Carolyn Flesher-Robinson, Dorothy Ann Mosier-Howser
Randall and Karen Cramer
Our classmates enriched our lives.
Dale Ann (Rago) Williams
In loving memory of all our Classmates who shaped our lives forever.
Janice Stone Bourne
So as the Uniontown Library was a solace and place of joy in my youth, may the memory of those now gone from the UHS Class of 1963 cause us to smile and be comforted.
anonymous | $150
For friends Ron Sepic, Richard Brashear, Tom Bubonovich, Dennis Burke, and Phil Zimcosky.
John Balling
In memory of Ron Sepic - a great guy, friend, and fellow sax player.
Carol Marker-Pike | $52.07
Rich Kalich | $100
Old Friends Are The Best Friends
Betty McDowell-Rozzell | $26.19
In Memory and Thanks to the Veternans of the Class of 1963
Carol DeCarlucci Hawks
In Remembrance of THE BEST of TIMES ! Carol DeCarlucci
Jerry & Joey Zehala
William Everly | $250
Cornel Mhley | $103.62
Tribute to our friends and classmates who have gone before us
Jeannette Mobley
Carol | $103.62
Larry | $1,033.37
For the 56 years of love Kathy blessed me with, for our classmates, and Orville and Eleanor. Thanks for the memories.